Abstract Submission

Submission Process

  • The submission deadline for poster abstracts has been extended to December 24th, 2023.
  • Please note that submitting an abstract does not constitute or guarantee registration.
  • The conference committee will review all abstracts and select the top posters for a short oral presentation during the conference.
  • The authors of posters selected for an oral presentation during the short talk session will be notified in early January.
  • Poster abstracts must be submitted online by using the form below.
  • A slot on the poster wall is reserved for all submitted poster abstracts.
  • Submission is automatically confirmed by the website immediately after hitting the submit button (please check your SPAM folder if you do not receive the confirmation email). 

Abstract Format

  • 2200 characters, including spaces (the title will be counted in the character count. You will be asked to resubmit your abstract if it exceeds this count).
  • Spell out greek letters or use the symbol font to ensure accurate printing of your abstract.

Poster Format

  • Maximum size is DIN A0 portrait ([width] 84cm x [height] 119cm; [width] 2ft 9in x [height] 3ft 10in)
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